Farmer sans was working at his and his brother's farm, until that night, he wouldn't expect a guest who he would later on learn to love. After a while living together. At the ens of the book, List finds where Horror had disappeared to, and saw how much he loved Farm and got jealous. There will be a second book after this one.
The book contains the mentionings of violence, cannibalism somewhere, mentionings of blood and guts, romantic things, fluff, sexual stuff, abuse, maybe suicide somewhere... but being somehow revived, because, you know, magic... so I hope you enjoy the book!
And do be free to stop reading whenever you like if you feel uncomfortable about a few topics, like suicide, murder, abuse, etc.
Have a good day, night, or afternoon!
It's just for these three:
Horror, seems like a normal skeleton, but he can transform into a huge dire wolf, which I think is adorable, well, technically a werewolf that looks like a dire wolf, [ please, this is not a twilight reference, I just don't know how else to phrase it! 🥲 I would make him as an Alaskan gray wolf since they are huge, but not big enough.... though it might seem more like Horror... idk ] He is a mix of dire wolf and Ak gray wolf now. :)
Farm, which he is a normal looking skeleton, he is an Australian Sheppard. He seems like he'd be one, all fluffy and adorable! Yeah, probably not correct but still, he'd be so fluffy, and have his hat on.
Lust, he'd be a sloughi.... I think that fits him... look it it and help me try to figure that out... but it seems like it would fit him.
Underswap!Papyrus x Reader
And some Fresh!Sans x Reader
It isn't hard to slip into a dream. You're happy with what your mind makes up and you stick with it until you wake up.
Nightmares are hard to sink into. Death, tears, bloodlust, screams of terror and agony. You eventually wake up crying and wondering why your head would come up with something so sadistic.
You're not in a dream. You never were. It's always been a nightmare.
"My heart fills so... empty."
"Please don't do this, (Y/n)!"
"I'm sorry I caused so much pain... but we both don't have to suffer anymore."