Get ready, as we're going to dive deeper into the tides of love, the profound depths of longing, the bittersweet pain, the enigmatic waltz of fate and something even more intriguing...
Hidden in these pages, you'll discover an assortment of 100 haiku poems, that blends the timeless beauty of traditional styles with the fresh perspectives of the modern world.
I hope these poems offer the comfort you seek and become a resting place for your heart and soul.
P.S. The images used in the book cover are AI generated.
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It's poetry,
"Take time to smell the roses"
when we are all busy chasing
the name, fame, and dreams
where we forget
almost ourselves and
the surrounding beautiful things
to see in this chaotic life.
it's to inspire all those little things
and value our precious lives
and cherish the moments we
Share in the journey.