"Years of love have been forgot, in the hatred of a minute." - Edgar Allan Poe. Truer words had never been spoken when it came to the young-love romance of Ashley Brandt and Tyler Galpin. They'd been best friends since they were kids, their friendship developing into a relationship in Middle School. They were heading into their first year of high school together when a near-death experience at a party revealed the unthinkable: Ashley was not a Normie. At least, not fully. In all of the chaos and uncertainty, Tyler acted out. He hurt Ashley and ended their relationship as well as ruined their life-long friendship. Now, a year later, he is still trying to make amends and convince her to forgive him. But Ashe is a Nevermore student now, and has fully leaned into her role as an Outcast; Even more so as she is the one and only Pheonix. This only get further complicated by the arrival of Wednesday Addams at Nevermore. Her mere presence, mixed with a mystery involving the town of Jericho's origins, and the brutal attacks of an unnamed Monster makes Jericho a more dangerous place than Ashe or Tyler had ever imagined. But more so than that, she draws both of them in to assist with her investigation, forcing them to spend more time together than they had allowed themselves to before. Years of love might be forgotten in the hatred of a minute...but whose to say that the love can't be remembered again? Even in the most terrifying of circumstances.All Rights Reserved