In a colorful world, two friends named Minjeong, also known as Winter or MJ, and Shin Ryujin, or RJ, coexist. Both are studying civil engineering at SNU, but their lives are quite different. RJ comes from an affluent family, but the two always find a way to be together.
MJ is a poor girl, well-known for her intelligence as an SNU scholar. But little do people know that her scholarship is funded by her girlfriend's family, that's what they thought. Her girlfriend's family objected to their relationship, saying they are not right for each other.
Despite this, they stayed together. However, it wasn't long before MJ was left by her girlfriend, the wealthy heiress of SM Entertainment. Unbeknownst to MJ, there's someone else who loves her from afar. This person is wealthy and powerful, but leads a simple life, watching MJ from a distance, unable to bear seeing her hurt by her ex-girlfriend.
MJ faces a tough choice between her past, the one who left her, and her present, the one who has always been there for her. What will she choose?
As time unfolds, she eventually finds her answer, learning to love herself and accept the true love that unexpectedly comes her way.
MJ shows her courage and love, and in the end, she finds her answer. This is a story of love, bravery, and self-acceptance. In "It's You" MJ learns that true love comes from within and cannot be measured by wealth or status in life.
Falling in love with the Bad Bitch || Chaerji ✔ ||
37 parts Complete
37 parts
Chaerji FF story
Chaeryeong's life is quiet, simple and orderly. She is just one of the hardest students who wants to get a scholarship to the university she attends.
Until she met someone who suddenly messed up her good life.
Meet Hwang Yeji, a rich but arrogant Woman who is the daughter of a wealthy family. Arrogant and mischievous brain. She is one of those feared by others but coveted by others. She's a bad bitch who doesn't know how to respect others especially women. She plays with them as if She doesn't care about the outcome, until she meets the fighter but sweet, Lee Chaeryeong.
Will their worlds meet who are not used to each other?
Can they fall in love with each other?
Start: September 10, 2021
End: November 22, 2021