Kitsumaki Taiyou Amane is a twenty-one-year-old renowned singer, famously known as "The Fox Lullaby," as he became sensational for his manly, angelic voice that made every gender fall in love with him and for not removing his fox mask for privacy and for a secret reason that no one knows except for him. However, at night, his mother and he are hiding behind shadows to hunt Yokai that are pestering human lives.
For him, the everyday life cycle he has is the real definition of boring-not until his mother is abducted by the mysterious entity that uses the ground to get her off guard. After that happened, for him, life was not interested anymore, not until he got a letter from an institution called Mythos Agency-the agency that hunts mythical creatures and protects the Child of the Gods. He is summoned to go to the Philippines to do some work. Because of that letter, the hope to find his mother arises, as he wants to use the agency to gather more information on the surprising event in his life that made him separate from her and whoever monsters or God that are involved in the disappearance of his mother will be damned and have an eternal fucked-up life.
Lavender is in love with Yuan, the perfect guy--kind, sweet, charming, and a musician like her. The problem? He's not real. He only exists in her dreams.
Lavender Laxamana can't sing or play the guitar in front of anyone anymore. She hides in her dreams where she can perform and play music to her heart's desire with Yuan. Lavender has already accepted that the man she loves is just a figment of her imagination, but when she crosses paths with Aki, a starting artist who goes by the name of Musikero and looks and sounds like Yuan, Lavender is hopeful they can finally be together in real life. But reality slaps her in the face when she finds out Aki is the exact opposite of Yuan, and he loathes her.
While Lavender struggles to find the connection between Yuan and Aki, can she finally find the courage to stop escaping from reality--no matter that Aki may be in love with another woman? And can she finally face the rhythm and beats of her heart and pursue her passion again? How far will she go--or not go--for her dreams?
DISCLAIMER: This story is written in Taglish.
COVER DESIGN: Regina Dionela