Alexia Putellas, the renowned Spanish footballer and captain of FC Barcelona and the Spanish national team, has an unexpected yet extraordinary partnership with her female bodyguard. In a world where strength and skill reign, this duo breaks stereotypes, showcasing a powerful blend of athleticism, resilience, and a commitment to each other's safety. Their unique bond not only keeps Alexia safe but also challenges conventional notions of protection in the world of sports.
World Class...
Queen-La Reina...
She has to be perfect. If she's not perfect, she's not performing. If she's not performing, she's benched. If she's benched, she's not Alexia. From Champions League winner to Ballon D'or winner, she's been her.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, Sam barely gets by. She's a single mom. She works several jobs. She's practically Barcelona's social outcast and not because she's a single mother.
But just before the Euros, she walks into the restaurant with friends and Alexia begins to see perfection elsewhere. The only question that stands is: Can either of them handle the pressure of imperfections?