5 parts Ongoing MatureIn a realm where celestial power and dark secrets collide, a young boy named Rune faces a cruel reality that shatters his once-pure heart, eroding his faith in love and trust. Born with unnatural powers, Rune was fated to be an outcast. Yet, he never imagined that those he called family would betray him so violently. With a shattered heart and a thirst for vengence burning fiercely, Rune embarks on a dark path to seek justice against heaven. Stranded and alone, he descends to Earth, where he encounters a human girl named Sky-a kind and gentle soul. Despite his cold and hardened exterior, Rune found himself drawn to her eventually. But fate has more in store, the human girl held a secret within her that was going to turn his world upside down once again.
She laughed for the last time, only if I could've bottled up that laugh and gotten drunk every night, then I would've.
Welcome to my debut novel! I'm excited to embark on this journey with you and hope you find as much enjoyment in reading it as I did writing it. Thank you for choosing to dive into my world-may it take you on an unforgettable adventure. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to me, so please share your thoughts. Enjoy the read!