In this heartwarming tale, "Koda The Astronaut", join Koda, the lovable koala, on an out of this world adventure! When Koda's owner, the brilliant young explorer Raven, announces their journey to space, little did they know that they were about to encounter a remarkable discovery. As they travel to Mars, Koda's curiosity reaches new heights when they stumble upon an extraordinary creature. Join Koda and Raven as they embark on a thrilling journey filled with friendship, discovery, and the wonders of the universe. This enchanting tale will spark curiosity and ignite the imaginations of all readers, reminding us all that sometimes the most extraordinary things can be found in the most unexpected place. "Koda The Astronaut" is a delightful exploration of the unknown, where dreams truly take flight.
What happens when time traveling goes wrong? You get stuck in an alternate world. Fjulia has been living in Eden, a futuristic utopia, for 3 years now after her scientist bestie accidentally got her stuck during a trial with her new 'time traveling' device. Seemingly no way home, Fjuli had no choice but to settle in; and she did a good job of it. Due to her mysterious development of powers she was drafted as a Denzi, humans with supernatural abilities, to fight against the nameless. Fjuli has been guarding her secret through all sorts of events over the past 3 years. Now, though she has to contend with a new threat to her 'peace.' That would be the very friend that sent her here coming to save her.