My fingers dug into the soft earth as I dragged my broken body along. Pain consumed me, dulling my other senses. The only thing I could hear was my own rapid breathing in my ears as I struggled to pull myself away from the massacre.
My leg was drenched with blood, the wound instantly soaking the torn shirt I'd used to try and stem the blood flow.
I couldn't do it.
My head swam, and I knew I was on the verge of losing consciousness. The moss was cool against my temple as I allowed myself a moments respite.
There was still a lot of ground to cover, and I needed to get moving before anyone from Arkadia stumbled upon this mess.
I was no longer safe there, and I didn't know many people I could trust. This was a betrayal by all means.
A twig snapped and in an instant I pressed my palms into the soft earth, as I retched my body over, crying out in pain as I laid on my back.
Pistol in hand, panting heavily as pain ricocheted from my shattered knee. A tall man in furs dismounted his horse, stalking towards me.
"Stay back," I warned, pulling the trigger.
Nothing happened, "Shit," I muttered.
Throwing the useless gun to the side, my back hit a tree and I grabbed my knife.
This didn't seem to concern the man, and he paused just out of my reach. His face was covered but even in the fading light I could see his eyes.
I knew those eyes, we had crossed paths before