"Is this scented paper?" "If Elle Wood can do it so can I! Plus, it is cherry scented pink paper!" "Have you looked in the mirror lately? You hate pink." "That is a stereotype based on my clothing choices. If you want to be stereotypical then I can be to. The only thing that completely rules out that you could be a psycho is your friends and the fact that you take adderall to focus and yes it would help with the precision to kill but ultimately it would be your downfall. Plus you spaz out a lot and are loyal so it obviously couldn't be you doing the killing. I can go on if you'd like?" 《》《》《》《》《》《》《》《》 Rebel is the life long friend of Lydia Martin. One day she sees the alpha in the video store the next she is walking around in the middle of the woods with a mountain lion as a pet.