(Based on the global blockbuster video game franchise from SEGA) With Sonic and his friends' home dimension destroyed, they use the power of The Master Emerald to escape and end up in a new world called Green Hills, finding shelter with sheriff of Green Hills' Police Department, Tom Wachowski, and veterinarian, Maddie Wachowski, with Sonic and his friends still trying to get use the new world with Sonic discovering some new powers, a freak accident happens where the entirety of Green Hills has lost power, calling upon presents of Dr. Robotnik, while trying to avoid the mad doctor, The Team run into... another version of Sonic? anyway! they team up to defend the planet from the doctor and his plans for world domination, with some assistance from The Mane 6, I.M.P., and Ratchet, Clank, Rivet, and Kit.
These characters DO NOT belong to me! Sonic and the Movie belong to SEGA and Paramount Pictures, Helluva Boss belongs to Vivienne Medrano, MLP G5 belong to Hasbro, and Ratchet and Clank belong to Insomniac Games and PlayStation.
Thanks to a mysterious Storm,Sonic Tails and knuckles ended up in a new world where they must try and survive and face new challenges along with new friends they'll make.Little does our trio know that a certain individual has followed them along with an unexpected foe.(Edit- this was made before sonic 3 was released so things may change.)
(I don't own any of the characters,Sonic is owned by Sega and MLP is owned by Hasbro studios)