Matilda is the crowned princess of Celestia. A kingdom stretching from the barren sea to the mountains of the north. Her family has sat on the throne for over 1500 years. Keeping the peace of a once war torn continent who's people fought for power, pride, honor, survival or just plain boredom. One of the more clever ways Matilda's ancestors kept the nobles from reverting back to their old ways was a contest for their heirs hand in marriage. Each family trained their best to be their heirs spouse and after generations of this contest their old ways died out and so, the spouse of the heir became the most honored position in the kingdom. Which gave the noble family bragging rights for the next 30 so years before the next heir holds the next competition and the next noble family gets the spot light. Matilda's parents story was the fairy tale that every heir dreams their competition will be. King Augustus, then crowned prince, and Queen Diane had a whirlwind romance that Matilda always wished for as a young princess. Now as a 22 year old crowned princess she knows that's not how most stories go. How will her contest play out? Will she get the love match her parents got or the strategic match most of her ancestors got?