In the remote, shadowy town of Blackwood, where chilling secrets lurk beneath every cobblestone, an enigmatic curse has plagued the residents for centuries. Every fifty years, on the night of a blood-red moon, the ghostly inhabitants of Blackwood awaken and terrorize the living. It's a cycle of horror, perpetuated by a vengeful spirit that cannot find rest.
Amelia, a young woman with a dark past, moves to Blackwood, seeking solitude and escape from her own demons. Unbeknownst to her, she arrives on the eve of the cursed night. With each new resident, the curse grows stronger, threatening to consume the entire town. As the ominous moon rises, Amelia must unravel the town's secrets, confront her own past, and break the curse's cycle before dawn. But she's not alone. She forms an unlikely alliance with a reclusive local historian and a mysterious stranger who appears at just the right moments.
Alison's sister disappeared filming a reality show, so she goes undercover as a contestant, discovering that in some cases reality tv is all too real.
Alison's sister disappeared while shooting a Survivor-style reality series, so when the show gets a reboot, Alison gets herself cast as a contestant. Arriving on the island, none of the organizers seem to be giving her straight answers. Forced to manipulate the situation to stay on the show, she starts an uneasy alliance with the handsome and physically capable Travis. They even act like they're falling in love, hoping their romantic appeal will keep them on the show. But as more challenges take place, and contestants go from being injured to dying in front of the camera, Alison and Travis realize that something is wrong. They have to win this game, or they won't make it off the island alive.
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