heaven is place for all people that did good deed,they have a happy life,seeing they ancestors and they family,or they can be reincarnation in a good life,While hell is Opposite than heaven,it is place where brimstone,Fire, Punishing the Sinner for the crime they did,The sin they make in the life,Karma they have in they life that hurt people...But sometimes there is some people that is in they own view of the life,The grey side,they see no good is truly good and no one bad truly bad,Some are be push by the life they life in have no choice but to do the wrong they make even way to these people heaven or hell is doesn't matter,As long as they complete whatever they goal is either it is bad or good, However in this world Heaven and hell was very different and what more human don't die,they still life,even if they die,Angel or devil came to them make become one of them,But even in that world there is something that isn't in angel nor devil,This thing take form of the victim it take,Hide in the shadow and might be among the people even them
still there is some slightly chance,But the question what kind chance it is...or more change who will change this world bring back the balance of it.Only the one
I never thought my life could make a 180 degree turn . I just wanted to party and enjoy like the rest of the teenagers in the world. Never thought one day I would wake up and see the world differently.
Like , bad different.
All I know is that my mind doesnt want it.
But unfortunately, fate has something else for me.
Its bad, terrible and just downright wrong.
And it sucks that im intrigued by it so bad and if i dont stop it, itll wreak chaos.
Some would have the dillema of choosing what's right and wrong. And thats just easy.
But me? Well , I just happen to attract all bad luck in the world that im stuck on choosing between abomination or disaster.
You wouldnt wanna be responsible for wiping the whole world's population for unleashing chaos right?
Guess I just gonna have to choose whose less evil then.