Now, this story is the story about a 16 years old boy who has a... "weird" life style that, ironicly could kill him anytime. It shows part of what the Mafia does, but also shows a more surrealistic way to see things with him, as he kills demons and some other S**t for an amount of money. But money isn't his motive to do this, revenge it's his motor engine to his job.
A nameless demon killed his mother and sister in an unspeakable way and he's searching for it to make it suffer the way he did. During he's search of revenge, his partner, a witch was killed by another demon called Aixpesa who served Alastor, son of Lucifer... Literarly. As Tony went growing looking for this two demons, he'll ran into with four people who'll help him despite his complains...and they'll be a pain on the ass for him.
This story starts on Tony's 16 years old, it has past 11 years since he started his Mafia "supernatural" hunt life, this one day, a girl named Meg witness this and joins him by the order of the very same boss of the Mafia, RedRain.
This story will be written like a TV scrpt, so don't be too surprised when you read it...