In "AVIA" a collaborative masterpiece, we delve into the extraordinary life of Avia Parkinson as she fearlessly shares her captivating story. Through the unique lens of a heartfelt interview conducted by Michael George Sinclair II, we are transported to the vibrant landscapes of Jamaica. As the conversation unfolds Avia recounted her upbringing, navigating the shadows cast by an abusive grandmother. It is through the compassionate and empathic approach of Michael Sinclair II that her narrative takes on a profound dimension, capturing the essence of her resilience and unyielding determination. While Avia emerges as the unbreakable heroine of her tale, the presence of Michael as the narrator adds a unique layer of connection and intimacy. Through Michael's empathetic reflections and thoughtful questions, Michael guides the reader on an emotional journey, bridging the gap between generations and capturing the essence of resilience that intertwines your lives. Within the pages of this autobiography we discover the depths of Avia's experiences, including the heart wrenching account of her survival and healing after multiple traumatic incidents.