This thing we call life
By james a. galgno
This life is often not worth loving without precious love forever true.
Yet here we are again often out of view or longing for some elusive dream.
Caught in the middle of nowhere going where we only hope to believe.
The we all search for slips so easily into the dead of night.
Leaving us with a feeling be lost or forsaken though it may not be true or mis contrite.
When faced with such love or life we never find?
We find ourselves in some kind of limbo often unable no real memories to remind how we got here without a clue.
So, if this is truly love and life today what on earth will we ever do?
Hoping to find the peace all must know and share no matter our beliefs, race, or religion until our dying day.
Surely soon someone will find the peace we all deserved with equality
Equality is often the problem with those rich or in power who ill do anything it takes to remain intact.
Often it seems our lives and loves are going nowhere or will never come back!
Leaving us waiting in this life for any dream to finally come true.
Yes is the life we have not chosen which never comes true, still we impatiently await all will come through.