"In 'A Girl & Her Guard Dog,' a captivating and enduring love story unfolds against the backdrop of the complex and often dangerous world of the yakuza. Isaku, the granddaughter of a yakuza boss, and Keiya, her loyal protector, find themselves entangled in a high school romance that defies their family's criminal ties. As their love deepens, they face the challenges of loyalty, secrets, and a fierce yakuza rivalry that puts their relationship to the ultimate test. Through the trials and tribulations of life, their love stands strong, ultimately leading them to a lifelong journey filled with hope, resilience, and the enduring power of love. From the shadows of their past to the golden years of their future, 'A Girl & Her Guard Dog' is a story of love's ability to conquer adversity and endure the test of time."
Nixon is the 3rd book in the Broken Series. (Ryan is the 1st, Brynn is the 2nd)
Nixon leaves rehab early because he can't deal with being there anymore. His sister Kelis finds someone in need of a roommate so he moves in with the girl and gives her his middle name, Lucas. He quickly becomes addicted to the girl and once he gets one taste he's done for. He warns her about his past, about his name, but she ignores all the red flags, not realizing exactly how intertwined she is with the people from his past. He becomes enamored with her, feels like she was made for him while still battling the demons of his past and soon it all becomes too much for him to handle. He makes a heartbreaking decision, thinking it's what's best for both of them and everything changes.
Trigger/Content Warning: this book contains mature content, talks of suicide, mental and physical abuse, selfharm, drug use, and addiction
Cover designed by Anastasia Wright