Naruto Uzumaki is the eldest of four siblings, born into the Uzumaki family, renowned for their strong chakra and their special connection to the Nine-Tails, the fearsome tailed beast sealed within Naruto. However, fate plays a cruel trick on Naruto as he is the only one among his siblings who doesn't inherit the Nine-Tails' chakra. Instead, it's his younger brother, Natsu, and his younger sister, Mito, who bear this incredible power.The youngest of the Uzumaki siblings, Suki, seems to be born with a unique ability of her own. While her specific talents remain a mystery, it becomes clear that she possesses something extraordinary that sets her apart from the rest of the family.Their lives take an even more dramatic turn when the legendary Sannin, Jiraiya, arrives in the village. Recognizing the immense potential within Natsu, Mito, and Suki, he delivers a prophecy that foretells one of them will have the power to save the world from an impending catastrophe.However, the villagers of Konoha, unaware of this prophecy, view Naruto as a cursed child. His childhood is marred by their prejudice and mistrust. They shun him, mocking him for being weak and labeling him a monster due to his association with the Nine-Tails. Naruto is adorned with the painful moniker of "the Cursed Child," and the weight of his isolation becomes a defining aspect of his life.To make matters worse, his own parents, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, are unable to see the immense potential hidden within their eldest son, as their focus is drawn to Natsu, Mito, and Suki's extraordinary abilities. The three siblings, in their innocence, unintentionally contribute to Naruto's feelings of isolation, further deepening his loneliness.Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru, despite their legendary status as Sannin, pay no mind to Naruto's existence. They are preoccupied with their own pursuits and adventures, leaving Naruto to navigate his difficult path alone.
The Neglected Genius (Discontinued Due To Harsh Criticism)
97 parts Complete Mature
97 parts
Naruto Uzumaki, Child of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki and Older brother to his twin sister Naruko. Neglected by his parents made him not only strong but a genius. when his family sees what they done it is too late. find out on this adventure of Naruto.
I don't own the images nor Characters. I only own the story and my Oc's.
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