This story reveals deep emotions and dramatic twists that will keep you on edge until the very end. A young girl, facing the world of art and love, soon discovers that behind every dream lies a cost. Written by Bulgarian author Velimir Georgiev, this is a tale of light and darkness intertwined in life. If you're ready for an emotional journey, don't miss out on reading it and sharing your thoughts!
- She is such a cute baby, she looks like her! - the room was filled with touching silence. - She's like her mother! - Tears flowed from his eyes, reflecting love, pain and uncertainty at the same time.
He whispered softly, "I'm sorry my child, I can't do this alone!" - his voice choked with emotions. The dim light in the room cast shadows over three silhouettes on the walls. He gathered his strength and continued in a trembling voice, "I hope you have a wonderful life, my sweet! One that I could not provide you with."
Tears streamed down his face as he gently kissed her small forehead.
"Please take her!" Get her faster!" - he shouted desperately. And the silhouette, in the corner of the room, walked forward towards them...
Тази история разкрива дълбоки емоции и драматични обрати, които ще ви държат в напрежение до самия край. Едно малко момиче, изправено пред света на изкуството и обичта, скоро открива, че зад всяка мечта се крие цена. Написана от българския автор Велимир Георгиев, това е разказ за светлината и мрака, преплитащи се в живота. Ако сте готови за емоционално пътуване, не пропускайте да я прочетете и да споделите впечатленията си!