In our novel, it revolves around three close friends named Suho, Tae, and Lina. They have a strong and deep relationship, but things get complicated when both Suho and Tae begin to feel conflicting feelings towards Lina, and the two fall in love with her. Suho is the close and loyal friend of Tae and Lina. He has an attractive and strong personality. Suho has deep feelings for Lina, and wants to be more than just a friend to her. However, he is worried that this will affect their three-way friendship. Tai is a cheerful and cheerful young man who can brighten any atmosphere with his presence. Like Suho, Tae has mixed feelings towards Lina. He finds himself thinking about her frequently and wondering if she feels the same way about him. As for Lina, she is the girl the three of them always depend on. She possesses incredible beauty, a free and adventurous spirit. Her feelings are also diverse, as she loves the three as friends and trusts them greatly. However, she may feel confused when Suho and Tae share feelings of love for her. In this novel, you will follow the journey of three friends, their intertwined feelings, how they deal with these internal conflicts, and whether they will be able to maintain their strong friendship despite the love they feel for Lina.
5 parts