In the kingdom of Eldoria King Knox, a 38-year-old monarch known as the "Frozen King" for his cold demeanor, married the sweet commoner Amaria, 25. Knox had a four-year-old son, Alexander, from a previous marriage, and he grew increasingly jealous as he observed Alexander's deep attachment to Amaria. However, Knox remained distant from both his son and wife, unable to express his emotions.
The arrival of Amaria's former fiancé, Edward, added to Knox's anxiety and jealousy. He feared that Amaria might be happier with Edward, despite her reassurances. It wasn't until Amaria confronted Knox, assuring him that he was the love of her life, that he realized the warmth of their love and the happiness they shared.
Their story of transformation and redemption serves as a reminder that love and family can melt even the coldest of hearts, ultimately leading to a happily ever after in the kingdom of Eldoria.
Married in the mothers' wombs, this is a story of two individuals and how they overcome the many obstacles life throws at them in a traditional backward country. The next king and his first wife. This is unlike any other classic Indian romance I have ever been across. A lot of interesting things occur in the life of a modern prince and his simplistic wife.
A radical prince who wants to break all the norms of society and a simple princess who just wants a normal palace life. Can they survive the world when evil is brewing right in their family?
Many attempts to break those two apart by the very woman who got them together and his second marriage put their relationship to a damper but can they manage to stay together?