"Roses are red, violets are blue, you are so beautiful and I love you!" "Wow, Hyunjin, what a poem..."-Jeongin said rolling his eyes and starring beyond the horizon. "Well, it's short but true!"-Hyunjin giggled and got closer to the younger looking at him as he was a flower. "First of all-I'm not beautiful. And second of all-I am sure that you've said "I love you" to every man or woman you've been with. 3th-I don't like roses and I im almost sure violets aren't blue." The other boy thinked a bit, closed his eyes and after a few seconds of silence he cutely chuckled. The youngest looked at the older with confusion. "Oh, Innie, Innie...violets are blue! I've read that somewhere. I don't remember when but that doesn't matter. And about the "I love you" thing- I've told only...hm"- Hyunjin started counting on his fingers. "Only ten males and 1 female. See? Not much." Jeongin sighed quietly and stood up. He wanted to go home, he wasn't comfortable with Hyunjin anymore. "And why don't you like roses? They are such a beautiful flowers! So romantic, beautiful, mysterious and passionate!"- the older boy asked. "You said it. That's the reason. "Romantic, beautiful, mysterious and passionate"...All Rights Reserved