In the vast expanse of time and the existence of humanity, the Dreaming Realm has been under the rule of Morpheus, the King of Dreams, and Pasithea, the Queen of Nightmares. Their unwavering love and dedication to their realm have transformed it into a sanctuary for weary dreamers and a realm of self-discovery for others. However, the tranquility and harmony of the Dreaming are shattered when Morpheus mysteriously vanishes without a trace, leaving Pasithea to suffer from an incurable illness that plunges her into an eternal slumber. As Morpheus's absence plunges the Dreaming into chaos, nightmares run amok, and dreams become distorted and corrupted. The once serene and inviting realm is now a place of darkness and torment, as dreamers find themselves consumed by fear and despair. The boundaries between dreams and nightmares blur, and the waking world becomes infected with malevolence as nightmares spill into reality, sowing unrest and anxiety.
5 parts