In "Jinxi's Eternal Sorcery," our story unfolds as a young man named Alex, wandering through an ancient forest, stumbles upon a mysterious witch named Jinxi. Little does he know that their fateful encounter will change the course of his life forever. Drawn by a sense of curiosity, Alex inadvertently provokes the enigmatic sorceress, who, instead of punishing him, decides to bestow him with an extraordinary gift - the power of wizardry.
As the spell takes hold, Alex finds himself thrust into a world of magic and wonder, a realm where spells, incantations, and arcane secrets await his exploration. With Jinxi as his reluctant mentor, he must learn to harness and control his newfound powers while navigating the intricacies of a world he never knew existed. Along the way, Alex faces formidable challenges, dangerous adversaries, and a journey that will test his courage and determination.
"Jinxi's Eternal Sorcery" is a tale of self-discovery, as Alex grapples with the responsibilities and consequences that come with wielding such immense power. Will he succumb to the temptations of dark magic, or will he find the strength to use his gifts for the greater good? In a story filled with enchantment, betrayal, and the complexities of morality, this mystical journey unravels the true extent of Alex's potential and the secrets that lie within the heart of the forest.
I am insufficient. Well, that's not my name obviously, but that's what my family has decided I am.
I'm Julie. I'm 14, about to be 15 years old. I have a twin sister, Jamie. Jamie is an angel. Perfect at everything, and can do no wrong. At least in my family's eyes. And I? I am not perfect. I am a disappointment. Though they've never said that to me outright, I know that's what they truly think.
The apparent "last straw" was when Jamie fucked up and I took the fall for it. Now, I'm on my way to live with some of my more distant relatives back in Italy. They're supposed to "put me back in my place."
So now I get to go live with 3 Italian Capo's.
Sounds like fun right?
What happens when Julie gets sent away? And what happens when her relatives receives a girl they had been brought to believe was a troublesome, borderline delinquent teenager, but is actually just a confused, dissociative little girl with a messed up idea of what family really means.
And what happens when Julie comes to realise that the people she was living with, weren't all who they said they were?