Hi the name's Elizabeth Jeager, but my classmates call me, Ian Jeager, cause on my first day they thought I was a boy, I went with it and I even gave myself a name also wore some of my brothers old clothes, it's a good thing they still fit. I graduated from Clover-Rain Junior high this year, So Next year I will be attending, Sakurazawa Private Academy the school for exeptional minds, passing the entrance exam was like a walk in the park. The only reason I really applied there is cause my brother Warren studies there he'll be a junior when i get there. I haven't seen him or my sister in almost 4 year's now, our parents got divorced a short while after I turned 9, My brother Warren wasn't even 12, and our sister Alexus was 7, I still wish I could go back to there before the divorce, when our family was still together, But the past is the past, I just have to accept it.------ Time for summer. THEN HIGHSCHOOL HERE I COME!!!! Putting the ship name here now "Elizka" is what I came up with.