In "Wretched," embark on a gripping journey into the depths of darkness and the struggle for survival. Rachel Addams, an aspiring artist haunted by a traumatic past, finds herself trapped in the clutches of depression. Just when all hope seems lost, she encounters Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a brilliant psychiatrist with an enigmatic allure. Driven by his unconventional methods, he guides Rachel towards a new perspective on life, one that embraces her creativity and inner strength.
However, in the shadows of Baltimore, a sinister threat lurks. A monster, disguised in human skin, prowls the streets, leaving a trail of carnage in its wake. As the city becomes consumed by fear, Rachel and Dr. Lecter find themselves entangled in a deadly game of cat and mouse, where the line between predator and prey blurs.
With each passing moment, Rachel is forced to confront her deepest fears and tap into her hidden resilience. As she navigates the treacherous path towards self-discovery, she must also unravel the mystery behind the monstrous serial killer terrorising the city.
"Wretched" is a chilling and thought-provoking tale that delves into the complexities of the human psyche, blending elements of psychological suspense and horror. Will Rachel find the strength to overcome her past and face the darkness that surrounds her? Or will she succumb to the wretched fate that awaits her?
Mischa knows her mothers disappearance is no accident and she must found out what has happened to her poor mother. She finds out what everyone hid from her and she's meanwhile, in the FBI with all of her own issues. Her god parents, Clarice and Will, also know Grace (Mischa's mother) did not run away and their worried the Chesapeake ripper was behind the evil plans. Now, she needs to find out the red dragon who is killing all these families and save herself. Hannibal is becoming more obsessive, more needy to leave with her but she intends to stay in Baltimore. Will she stick to that? I can already imagine her sending post cards from Florence to Baltimore.
Read at your own risk