In the heart of a bustling city lived a young woman named Clara. Clara was a florist, known for her enchanting flower arrangements. She had a beautiful smile and a heart full of love, but her love was reserved for one person - her childhood friend, Andrew.
Andrew was a charismatic man, a successful architect who was always surrounded by admirers. Despite the attention he received, he was oblivious to Clara's feelings for him.
Clara loved Andrew from afar, her heart aching with every laugh they shared, every moment they spent together. She expressed her feelings through the bouquets she made for him, each flower symbolizing her unspoken love.
One day, Andrew introduced Clara to Lily, his fiancée. Clara's heart shattered, but she put on a brave smile. She congratulated them, her words hiding the pain she felt.
As the wedding approached, Clara was asked to arrange the flowers. Each petal she touched was a reminder of her unrequited love. Yet, she created a masterpiece, a symbol of her love for Andrew.
On the day of the wedding, Clara watched as Andrew and Lily exchanged vows. She smiled, her heart breaking but her love for Andrew unwavering. She wished him happiness, even if it wasn't with her.
That night, Clara sat alone in her shop, surrounded by the flowers she loved. She picked up a daisy and started plucking its petals, whispering, "He loves me, he loves me not." With each petal that fell, she