In the opulent town of Astroville, where the Rosewood family wears a facade of wealth and perfection, Juniper Rosewood is trapped in a tumultuous reality. Her twin brother, Junius, is the town's golden boy, and their father, Jasper, commands respect. Yet, behind the veneer of affluence lies a world of family secrets and the darkness of Juniper's father-inflicted abuse.
The town's tranquility shatters when a scandal erupts at a school party, sending shockwaves through Juniper's life. It's in the aftermath that she crosses paths with Violette, a rebellious foster kid whose perceived wildness and promiscuity has earned her a tarnished reputation. As Juniper and Violette navigate the fallout of the scandal, they discover a surprising connection, realizing that their seemingly disparate lives are bound by shared experiences of pain, vulnerability, assault, and the challenges of womanhood.
United by adversity, Juniper and Violette embark on a journey of resilience and self-discovery, confronting the violence, tears, and complexities that accompany the turbulent path to maturity. In 'Half of 100 Women,' the author @DanieStoriess unravels the layers of truth, exposing the raw realities of two young women who find solace and love in each other amidst a world that often seeks to suppress their voices.
As their friendship deepens, Juniper and Violette explore the intricate nuances of their connection, transcending the boundaries of societal norms. Love blossoms between them, a tender flame kindled amidst the chaos. Together, they dismantle the barriers that society has erected around them, ultimately rewriting the narrative of the Rosewood legacy. In this tale of love, friendship, and breaking free from the shackles of secrecy, Juniper and Violette forge a path towards authenticity and acceptance.
TW: sexual, physical, and verbal abuse. Sexual content. 18+
When someone dies mysteriously during a Psych experiment, Rhiannon becomes enmeshed in a conspiracy that includes both the survivors and the killer.
Short on cash, Rhiannon Ford signs up to take part in a social psychology experiment based on group think. But when a participant dies under mysterious circumstances, and the story surrounding that death seems mired in conflicting lies, she's quickly drawn into a web of conspiracies that merge urban legends, rivalries, and the very psychological principle the test was about. When everyone is lying, how can Rhiannon find the truth?
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