This is the story of two young children coming home from school on a Friday, they were 7 years old and brother and sister, like any other day, the two children were bored, so they decided to play a game upstairs, but... a strange thing happened... A large portal appears and takes them to a parallel universe, which upsets them and causes them to lose their memories...
The story may contain spelling mistakes, so please be indulgent and respectful.
Story created on March 14, 2022
With Tsukeo's help
Sometimes things in the story can change, depending on our imagination.
Sit back, relax, have some popcorn and I wish you a good read. 🍿📖
I had recently finished watching Arcane and in Episode 7 I enjoyed watching the fight between Ekko and Jinx, it was a little bit sad to see two childhood friends fight. And I absolutely love their relationship, so now I'm doing one shots.