In this psychological thriller, we delve into the complex world of schizophrenia through the eyes of our protagonist, Mark. Driven by personal experiences and a passion for neuropharmacology, Mark embarks on a journey to develop a groundbreaking treatment for this enigmatic disorder. Supported by his resourceful sidekick, Elen, he faces not only the scientific challenges but also the intricate dynamics of the pharmaceutical industry.
However, as his experiences take a twisted turn, can Mark uncover the truth? With missing patients, murdered nurses, and members of his personal team disappearing, Mark must unravel the mysteries or risk succumbing to the same fate.
This thrilling tale explores the darker side of the human mind, offering a gripping narrative that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.
Trigger Warning:
This story contains sensitive and potentially distressing themes, including sexual assault, trauma, violence, and psychological distress. Reader discretion is advised. If you find these topics triggering or distressing, it is recommended to proceed with caution or avoid reading this narrative.
The powerful conclusion to the SCARS trilogy. Jon finally feels like he has a place where he can get a break from the weight of having to be Pastor Pete's good son. But the opioid pills he's using to manage his pain are changing his behavior in ways he won't be able to hide for much longer. It isn't even his biggest secret: no one knows the real Jon White, and he's terrified if the full truth of himself comes out it will cost both the love of his earthly dad and his heavenly Father.
Cary has one last hurdle to leave years of childhood abuse behind him: the trial at which he has to testify against his abuser. But his decision to speak up has splintered the remains of his family and his former best friend seems bent on self-destructing. Cary's going to need everything he's learned along the way to snatch Jon off the ledge. It's never been more obvious the journey from walking wounded to wholeness isn't meant to be travelled alone.
A novel about wearing our scars and owning our stories as fully loved children of God.
Cover illustration by Teylor.AArt. Used with permission.
Contains mature language, and subject matter related to addiction, self-harm, and suicide. All rights reserved. Created for Wattpad. If you are reading this work on another site, this work has been stolen and you are at risk of viruses and malware!