"In the chilling night of Woodsboro, Amber Freeman finds herself entangled in a deadly game with an enigmatic caller - Ghostface. As her home becomes a sinister battleground, the air thickens with fear and suspense. Unfolding against the backdrop of a cold, isolated house, the story takes unexpected turns with each phone call. Amber's defiance clashes with Ghostface's relentless pursuit, culminating in a visceral confrontation in the dimly lit halls. With a knife in hand, Amber fights for survival, only to succumb to a brutal and bloody demise. This tale weaves a tapestry of suspense, terror, and unexpected twists, leaving readers on the edge of their seats until the final, shocking revelation."
Six crew members of the freighter spaceship Tulpar after a mysterious crash leaves them stranded in space, trapped within as supplies dwindle, and things take a drastic turn.
TW for SA, violence, and probably more that i can't remember, just be careful if you're sensitive to these things
:3 hope you enjoy ♡
I do not own the game
Wrong Organ is the main owner
We all hate Jimbalba