In the heart of Seoul, Sung, a reserved young man, works in a hotel, juggling familial expectations and personal aspirations. His solace lies in a small shop, where a figurine sparks rare joy. Tensions rise with his father's push to join the family business, but Sung's mother remains a source of support. Inspired by actress Ann, Sung takes a bold step, becoming an electrician. A routine call intertwines his life with the celebrity world, intersecting with Ann's. Navigating differences, Sung and Ann's connection deepens. Sung's sincerity captivates Ann, and her boldness brings light to his life. Amidst Seoul's vibrancy, their love story challenges societal norms. "The Heart's Enchanted Princess" explores self-discovery, family conflict, and the transformative power of love. Sung and Ann's journey reveals that true love can emerge unexpectedly in the heart of a bustling city.
19 parts