Get ready for an exciting adventure! The story takes place in 2020 and follows the Morphies, a group of cute bunny-like creatures who lived in the colorful planet of Viluliv. Their peaceful life is suddenly turned upside down when a massive thunderstorm destroys their home, leaving them with nowhere to go. But don't worry, things are about to get interesting! Determined to find a new home, the Morphies embark on a journey to planet Earth, where they face all sorts of challenges and obstacles. However, their luck changes when they meet Reiana E. Smiley, a kind-hearted 15-year-old who takes them under her wing and offers them a new home. From that moment on, the Morphies' lives become a thrilling adventure as they explore the wonders of Earth and learn about human life. They form a deep and unbreakable bond with Reiana, who creates a special room just for them. Together, they embark on daily escapades and experiences, navigating their way through this unfamiliar territory and fostering a sense of belonging in an alien world. Join the Morphies on their journey and discover the magic of friendship and adventure!
6 parts