Total Drama Camp Hostile is a fan-made season of the thrilling reality competition Total Drama Island, where sixteen diverse contestants face off at the remote Camp Hostile in Canada for a chance to win one million dollars. Guided by the lively host, Ophelia Fox, and fueled by the unpredictable challenges designed by hers truely, as the contestants navigate alliances, conflicts, and unexpected twists in their quest for victory. Set against the backdrop of the challenging wilderness, the campers must rely on their wit, teamwork, and resilience to outlast the competition and claim the ultimate prize. With quirky characters, intense competitions, and the promise of drama around every corner, this season promises a rollercoaster ride of entertainment, suspense, and laughter.
He's like a storm-unpredictable and dangerous.
I knew he was a sick bastard when he smiled after I hit him the first time.
Annoying and obsessive, that's what he is.
I sensed it early on, but I didn't realize just how deep it ran until his obsession latched onto me.
Until I became the center of his world. Until he started flashing that smug, crooked smile my way.
But we can't... we're not supposed to be together.
We're polar opposites-existing in the same world, but never meant to collide.
Yet, he's ready to tear down everything for me.
But it's not that simple. My brothers are monsters. They'll kill him.
And still, he doesn't care.
Glasses perched on his nose, calm and collected.
Exactly my type.
I knew he was meant to be mine the moment our eyes locked, that intense gaze pulling me in.
And I'll have him, no matter what it takes-by any means necessary, even if it costs me everything. I want to hold him in my arms, kiss him until neither of us can breathe.
But why is it so hard? Why does the world push back so fiercely when it comes to him and me?
I want him. And I will have him.