In a modern Earth where dragons exist, and the legends of Arthur and Merlin have been reimagined, our story unfolds within the pages of "Magik: The Son of Fire." Meet Damien, a young man who is both human and dragon, navigating a world where ancient myths and contemporary reality collide. Damien's life is intricately intertwined with a group of friends, each bearing remarkable powers, and each with their own mystical lineage.
His closest companion, Lincoln, is the son of the infamous Morgana La Fey, a formidable enchantress with dark secrets. Together, they uncover hidden truths about the past and their destinies. Tarra, a descendant of an earth dragon, possesses a deep connection to the land, with an uncanny ability to shape and control the raw power of the earth. Danni, a human water mage, gracefully wields the elemental magic of water.
As they unravel the mysteries of this extraordinary world, they face an ominous figure-Merlin, once a trusted advisor to King Arthur, now the harbinger of destruction and chaos. King Arthur, who has been missing for centuries, holds the key to the fate of their world, and the friends embark on a perilous quest to find him.
Within the pages of "Magik: The Son of Fire," you'll be transported to a realm where the echoes of Arthurian legend resonate in a modern society where magic and myth are woven into the fabric of everyday life. Join Damien, Lincoln, Tarra, and Danni as they confront their extraordinary heritage and strive to reclaim their world from the darkness that Merlin has unleashed. Will they succeed in unraveling the secrets of the past, or will Merlin's malevolent plans plunge their world into eternal night?
This modern fantasy novel promises a thrilling blend of ancient legends and contemporary adventure, where friendships are forged in the crucible of destiny, and the true power of myth comes to life. "Magik: The Son of Fire" invites you on a journey where the flames of magic and the fires of destiny burn bright.
For 500 years, the war between the Magi has been raging.
The future seems bleak.
Unless the Magitrix shall come.
Chris Robinson is an (accidental) arsonist. Wherever he goes, a fire goes with him, leaving him confused and frustrated. But when a shadow being attacks him on the way home from school, and he is rescued by a dragon and its rider, he learns that he is a Fire Magi- a being that can magically produce fire. He is among the Magitrix, Magi who were gifted with special powers from birth in order to save the world, and he must be trained to fully serve his purpose.
However, when trouble strikes, he must work with the other members of the Magitrix - Jasper Lee, his best friend who has always had strange healing powers; Summer Day, a sassy, smart, and extremely closeted lesbian who hates him; and Odin Waters, popular but someone who has never felt like he could be himself - to get to the bottom of the mysteries of the Light Kingdom. A danger is lurking, and he and his friends may be the only one who can stop it.
(Multiple POVs)
(Permanently Unfinished)