Sunday, November 14, 1964
Dear Nancy,
I'm terribly sorry I haven't written you in awhile. I'm afraid the workers can't stand to look at me, let alone fetch me some parchment. I don't know what I've done to upset them. You know I've always been such a good patient here, taking my medication when told and never acting out.
I have noticed the way they look at Zayn though. I'm sure you've heard of him. Marilyn told me he was all over the newspapers. There's something about him Nancy, something that makes me feel safe and warm in such a dark place.
I know I shouldn't feel that way about him but I can't help it. His hands might be cold and his eyes are always hooded, but whenever he smiles I can't help but smile because it creates this idea that maybe life isn't as bad as I thought it was.
Yours truly, Grace
Grace Bearings is a patient in the psychiatric ward, Triflewood. The three years she has been a patient, nothing out of the ordinary has happened. Grace was a model patient, she always took her medication when told, she was polite, and she's never put anyone in harms way. When a new patient with dark lingering eyes and a wicked smile comes to Triflewood, things start quickly changing.