Emilie is an ordinary high school girl living in a quaint, wooded town. However, her life takes a mysterious turn as she discovers a hidden truth about her origins. She knows nothing about her past or the identities of her parents. Raised by a kind-hearted couple who found her as a baby, Emilie embarks on a journey of self-discovery that unravels the secrets held within the dense forests that enclose her town. With every step she takes, Emilie is haunted by the cautionary tales of the forbidden woods, the tales of those who vanished without a trace, and the spine-chilling accounts of groups lost forever. It has been two long years since the disappearances began, casting an eerie shadow over the community. Now, on her sixteenth birthday, Emilie's curiosity and longing for answers push her closer to the one place she was never allowed to go. The forbidden woods beckon to her, whispering a siren-like call that resonates deep within her soul. Will she yield to the temptation to uncover the truth that lies within these ancient trees or will she sit back and never uncover the truth?