Two parents who are gardening catalog editors move to Ashland, Oregon, with their two daughters named Coraline and Y/n Jones. Coraline, the oldest of the two, being 11 years old, is having a hard time moving away from Michigan but tries to keep happy for her younger sister. Y/n, being five years old, doesn't have a good feeling about the place they're moving to. She can tell if something or someone has bad intentions. And what happens when the Pink Palace Apartments happens to set that off for her?
Coraline movie x autistic mute reader
I don't own Coraline or any images unless I say so. The reader will be autistic and mute. So Y/n will know ASL/American sign language.
If anyone reading this is autistic or mute, and I illustrate something about the character to be offensive, unrealistic, or anything like that, please let me know so I can change it as quickly as possible.
Also, if there is ANY hate towards the character for being autistic or mute or jokes made about the disorder of autism or anything offensive about anything at all I will block you and delete your comment. I do not tolerate any disrespectful or offensive comments that put people down.
Please be respectful and enjoy the story.