In the heart of a closely-knit family, the lives of Ali, Sarah, and Amir are woven together by threads of kinship. Unbeknownst to them, a delicate dance of emotions unfolds, leading to unexpected twists and turns
Sarah and Amir find themselves entangled in the delicate embrace of love. As their connection deepens, tragedy strikes when Amir's plane crashes, leaving the family shattered. Ali, bound by a promise to Amir, steps into the role of a silent guardian, supporting the grieving family.
In the face of societal expectations, the family proposes an unconventional solution-Sarah marrying Ali. What begins as a compromise for the sake of duty unfolds into a unique union, where love intertwines with familial obligations.
The narrative unfolds through chapters that explore the dynamics of shared spaces, the challenges of distance, and the transformative power of orchestrated moments.