While the rest of the world remained unaware, Earth, a planet full of life, was saved by a group of fighters, known as the Z-Fighters. Since then, the Z-Fighters faced threats that could have destroyed their world, the Demon King Piccolo, followed by Piccolo Jr years later, the Saiyans Vegeta and Nappa, the tyrannical emperor of the universe Frieza, the Androids 16, 17, and 18, then finally, as of recently, the bio-Android known as Cell.
And thus, the Z-Fighters have finally lived in peace, as each of them returned to their daily lives... Except for one. Son Nathan, son of the legendary Son Goku himself, and twin brother of Son Gohan, decided to continue his Dad's legacy and, much to his Mom's dismay, trained constantly.
However, since his mother didn't want her son to do this like his father, decided to enroll him and his brother in school, the school was called the ILUNA Star High School. Nathan felt the opposite of Gohan, who was excited/nervous about going to school, as he absolutely despised going to school. Little did he know, while there may be some normal humans attending the school, there are some who... are beyond normal, like him.All Rights Reserved