An unknown, a variable yet to be calculated and discovered, or, as she's known by those who think they know her: the new girl, Kaely Tress.
Gotham City's most recent resident Kaely Tress (OC) is quickly becoming the newest supervillian on Batman's radar with her alter ego Tessla Skyre. More than meets the eye, it's only a matter of time before she discovers his identity and figures out how to use it against him. Before all of that, however, she'll have her fun. Self-destroying, adrenaline junkie, and determined to toy with anyone she can get her claws into during the night and to play inconspicuous student during the day. But one can only go on pretending to be two people for so long before their personalities begin to either bleed together or separate completely, so when Tessla begins to fall for one of Kaely’s classmates, Kaely is left to pick up the pieces at school and navigate the web of lies she’s constructed in order to protect herself… and Tessla… and herself… and Tessla.
When you live a double life, the lines start to become blurred between the you when the sun sets and the person you look in the mirror each morning.
It begs the question: how hard is it to spit a person into two, and how long does it take for people to start to notice?
Try as they might, the Batman’s noticed and it’s only a matter of time before he catches up.