Earth-982F, New York, 2003 Times are changing. Music, fashion, technology, even superheroes. Many hero teams are retired, either hanging up the capes or letting the next generation handle things. After his retirement, Peter Parker passed the responsibility of Spider-Man fully to Miles Morales, settled down and married Mary Jane, reopened Oscorp as "Osborn-Parker Industries" alongside Harry, and even had a child, May "Mayday" Parker, who has been operating as the Spectacular Spider-Girl for three years now. We follow Ethan Storm, son of Johnny Storm and Namorita. He unfortunately isn't as strong as his parents, but he has the heart to be a hero. Ethan is childhood friends with Mayday and is lucky enough to be going to ESU with her and their friends, he even knows about her being a superhero. However, fate soon smiles Ethan's way as he and his class take a trip to the Roxxon corporation, and Ethan finds a dark secret being kept under wraps. With the help of the Symbiote he finds there, they bond and become the force that will expose Walter Sloan and Simon Krieger. Together, they will save New York, avenge those who have suffered, and hunt the evil that lingers in the dark. Together, they are... Rain Spider, the Fantastic Spider-Man!Tüm hakları saklıdır
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