In a world torn apart by elemental strife, Fujii Yudai trains tirelessly to augment his abilities to protect his village, "The Fire" (Yutajima), from the constant onslaughts by rival villages-Water (Asseko), Earth (Kitana), and Air (Enhi). The relentless warfare spanning centuries has led to a cruel cycle: the victorious village pillages the resources of the defeated. Each village commands an elemental force-Fire, Earth, Water, and Air-and the one who harnesses the power of all four elements is destined to rule over the others. Apart from the clash between the villages rised the clash between bloodlines. The clash of the bloodlines grew stronger, more violent. Yudai was being targetted by the opposing villages. How is Yudai going to dodge all the attacks, survive and bring peace as a kid?
7 parts