Based on the Roblox game made by Sealed Girl Productions: Lunatic Remains. Some characters that appear on this story are original and belong to Sealed Girl Productions. Haruki Temporala is a young scientist on a quest to uncover the mystery behind a failed "Time Machine" experiment when he was a kid that trapped his family in an eternal time loop. After the Time Machine exploded, the most important piece of it was left unharmed, the "Lunar Clock". Haruki found the Lunar Clock while taking a look in the lab after the incident had happened, though years passed, he never realized the Lunar Clock was ticking to midnight, because of the grudge he had agaisnt the clock. And when the day came, the clock stroke midnight. He finds himself lost in a Bamboo Forest. While wandering around, he ends up encountering Reisen, who initially mistakes him for a invasor. After a surprising turn of events, Reisen realizes Haruki might hold the key to uncovering the remnants of the Lunatic Kingdom post-Great Lunar War. What secret connection does Haruki have with Gensokyo, and how will it shape this world? All characters are owned by Team Shanghai Alice / ZUN. All original characters are owned by Sealed Girl Productions. Permission for this novel is granted by the founder of SGP himself. For more info on Lunatic Remains, you can access the wiki on my profile!
10 parts