This story follows Leia, a shy and anxious med student who, after years of isolation from bullying and rejection, takes a brave step out of her comfort zone to try go-karting-a sport she's admired from afar as a long-time Formula 1 fan. At the track, she meets Edmund, a quiet and thoughtful employee who surprises her with his warmth and understanding. Though reserved with others, Edmund makes small yet meaningful gestures-helping with her helmet, bending the rules to extend her sessions, and training her on his own time-all of which help Leia fully embrace the thrill of racing. Their shared passion forms the backdrop of a deepening connection built on quiet moments and unspoken understanding. There are subtle hints of mutual admiration, but whether they'll realize their feelings for each other remains uncertain. It's a delicate bond that could blossom into something more, but it might just as easily be something never meant to be-or perhaps realized too late to act on. Do you think their connection will evolve or stay just out of reach?