In the small, secluded town of Daegu, a secret lies buried beneath layers of forgotten history. Seulgi, Seungwan, and Moonbyul, three mysterious individuals who hide an eternal secret- they're vampires. Tasked with a mission to uncover the truth of their kind's exile from the town, find themselves entangled in a web of intrigue and danger.
As they navigate the shadows that conceal long-held secrets, Seulgi, the introspective and brooding vampire, stumbles upon Joohyun, a captivating young woman. Drawn to each other by an inexplicable force, their paths intertwine, blurring the lines between duty and desire.
As Seulgi delves deeper into the mysteries of Daegu, she begins to uncover the dark truth of what truly happened in the past. The town's sinister past is revealed piece by piece, leading them down a treacherous path riddled with betrayal, ancient rivalries, and forbidden love.
Amidst the chaos of their mission, Seulgi finds herself torn between her duty and her growing affection for Joohyun. Will she fulfill her obligations to her vampire brethren, or will love conquer all, risking everything they hold dear?
(Seulgi, Seungwan, and Moonbyul are G!P!)
began: 12/11/23
ended: 08/16/24
The maknae of a popular girl group, you've never really had time to think about love. This includes both romantic and self love. So when charming Jeon Jungkook comes into your life you have no clue what's going on. Will you be able to love yourself, and maybe someone else too?
⚠ This was my first book, it has like absolutely no plot and is weird... if you're looking for a nostalgic cringe fic then proceed
⚠️ definitely depicts disordered behavior surrounding food and dieting that I thought was normal but IS NOT