The series revolves around the titular Scott Pilgrim's twin sister, Elizabeth Pilgrim, an aspiring actress, successful singer, and full-time model, who lives in Toronto and sings in her brother's band, dating a high school student while recovering from a traumatic breakup. She starts a tentative romance with American delivery boy Raymond Flowers, soon discovering that Raymond possesses superpowers.
It transpires that Elizabeth's previous seven super villain exes have similar abilities. They are manipulated into targeting Raymond in combat by her most recent ex, Gideon Graves, forcing both Elizabeth and Raymond to come to terms with their respective pasts, relationships, and behaviors.
Along the way, many characters (both good and evil) will become attracted to Elizabeth and they will all try to either win her heart or make the young woman theirs, forever.
How will this all end for Elizabeth? You'll have to read the book to find out!
[A/N: I'll be doing all the comics, movie, and Netflix anime versions for this story]
{We don't own the Scott Pilgrim (comics, movie, or anime) series or it's characters. Only our Oc character. All rights go to creator(s).}
Reborn in the Naruto world, Shin Uzumaki finds himself in the doomed Land of Whirlpools. As a member of the Uzumaki Clan! Trapped in a world filled with war, betrayal, and unimaginable power, Shin's survival seems impossible.. Until it isn't!!
[Ding! Replication System Activated!]
[Daily Login Reward: Common Replication Card.]
[Newbie Gift: Perfect Sage Body-Adamantine Sealing Chains-Four Symbols Seal]
With the power to Copy any Ability-whether it's the Kekkei Genkai or Rinnegan or Forbidden jutsu-Shin begins his journey to dominate the Ninja World.
[First task: Save Kushina and prevent the destruction of the Uzumaki Clan.]