I have made mistakes. I proudly admit that I have. But I don't shame myself. I asked for forgiveness, some people gave it to me, others refused. But I remain honest. My past faults are in the past. I haven't lied since then. But still people say I have. But people don't know me. Me who don't know me are telling people things about me that I don't even know about. To them in a pathetic liar. But again, I remain honest. And to the people looking at this and rolling their eyes, keep rolling them. Until you lose them. I remain honest about what was happened to me with my rivals. I remain honest because I respect you. I was disappointed when I saw their reaction. But the sad thing is that people still can't believe me because they are stuck between me and the rival. And my official reputation has been ruined by them. And they claim they have it hard. I know I have a harder life then others but I don't publish it. I don't make people feel empathy for me. I don't make things sound worse.
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