A young teen, who has found herself under the wings of Gabriel Van Helsing himself and Carl Isaacson, his good friend, while on the run, accompanies the duo to Transylvania, where they are assigned to kill Dracula, the Prince of Darkness, while protecting Princess Anna.
Page Farlowe, a young teen with extraordinary powers, has been on the run for half a year from her former village to avoid an unforgivable fate planned by her father, who thought of her as a bastard child simply because of her gender. When she runs into Gabriel Van Helsing and Carl Isaacson themselves, she begs them to take her in, which they do after she saves them and herself from her pursuers.
A year later, Page, now fifteen, joins Gabriel and Carl in their mission to Transylvania, where the malicious Count Dracula attempts to bring his young to life with the key to life he had tricked the good Dr. Frankenstien to create a year earlier. Along the way, they do everything they can to protect Princess Anna until they are able to defeat Dracula. However, when it comes to certain threats targeting Page as well, Gabriel will not allow anything to happen to both Anna and her...
"He leaned in so close that for a second I thought he was going to kiss me. Then he pulled back and remained quiet for a little while, until he spoke in a low voice. "Marie, there's something I need to tell you."
While average teenage girls have to deal with the stress of pop quizzes, cheating boyfriends, two hours' worth of homework, and choosing which Instagram picture makes them look the skinniest, Marie is far from a normal teenage girl. She has no idea what is happening to her as she tries to convince herself she's either going crazy or that these new abilities of super strength, sense, and controlling the elements are just unusual signs of puberty. Things start to get even more crazy when Adam Keller, an incredibly attractive new boy, tries to tell her she is the heir to the most powerful line of witches and that it's his job to train her to use her powers.
Marie somehow finds herself in the middle of a love triangle and is forced to face conflicts that make her whole world shatter. What will Marie do when she confronts having powers, killing demons, and trying to avoid a boy that makes her heart flutter? Will she be able to walk away from everything she has ever known?
I wrote this book when I was in middle school and high school. It was published my senior year of high school. You can buy it on amazon and barnesandnoble.com. I will be posting the prologue and first chapter to give you an idea of what it is about. This book is meant for middle schooler's and early high schooler's who enjoy paranormal romance, a strong witty heroin, and action.